Explore out-of-hours cover

Partner with Vets Now

Join more than 1400 vet practices who partner with Vets Now across 60+ locations to provide out-of-hours cover.

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A nurse speaks on the phone at a busy hospital station, surrounded by medical equipment and coworkers attending to tasks.

Refer your patients

Refer your patients to our specialists in ECC, orthopaedics, internal medicine, soft tissue surgery and more.

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Two veterinarians prepare a sedated dog for a CT scan inside a veterinary clinic, surrounded by medical equipment and an IV drip.

Partner practice resources

Visit our partner practice hub to order literature, find out about local CPD, and share useful seasonal content.

Partner practice resources

New partner practice portal

Our new Partner Practice Portal allows us to exchange information about PP with Vets Now clinics such as case history and documents.

Explore our new hub