Vets Now Cert VN Certificate ContentOnline, tutor supported learning, delivered over 18 months, the Cert VN ECC is accessible whenever and wherever you are.

Course content is delivered over 6 core units, split into 3 outcomes with corresponding open learning assignments.

The six core units of the course cover the following topics:

Cert VN In ECC Online Tutor Supported Learning With Vets Now

Course content

Course content is delivered over 6 core units., split into 3 outcomes with corresponding open learning assignments.

One core unit is released every 9 weeks. Students will receive a full set of course notes for each outcome, access to a unit forum and webinar content (may be live or recorded). Students also receive full access to a huge library of additional resources and recorded webinars.

Students will also develop key transferable study skills; including academic writing, research and referencing, evidence of which should be included in submitted assignments.

Course content is theory based, so students are not required to compile and submit case studies. Instead, progression through the course is demonstrated by submission of unit coursework assignments.

Coursework submissions:

Forming key preparation for the final assessments, submissions are comprised of short answer scenario-based questions, with an advised word count of ~3000 words each.

Assessing the practical activities and underpinning knowledge of the units, students would be expected to show evidence of further reading, research and practical learning in their submissions.

Your prior nursing knowledge will be assumed in some topics as this is an advanced certificate course.

Submitted assignments, must be properly referenced; using the Harvard method, which will be considered in the marking.

Assignments are submitted online, via Moodle and Turnitin, our plagiarism checker, to be graded by your tutor. Allowing them to fully assess your knowledge and understanding whilst also providing guidance and feedback.

More detail on the timescales and deadlines and what you can expect from the course is available via the example Coursework and Assignment Calendar.

Calendar displaying coursework assessment dates from April 2022 to October 2023. Key events include submission windows, unit availability, reading weeks, and exam dates. Important deadlines: 1.1 early submit 2 May, due dates 6th June, 15th Aug, 2nd Jan, 22nd May, 13th Mar, final due date 3rd July. Exam 7th Sep 2023, receive results 6-8 weeks.

Want to know more?

To give you an idea of what to expect from the coursework, you can view sample assignment questions as well as an excerpt of the course notes in our Cert VN Syllabus. Please click on the image below ⬇

Vets Now Cert VN Syllabus

Approximate length of completion for the course is 18 months, with intakes every six months in April & October.

Final award of the Certificate is dependent on successful completion of the final assessment papers


Final assessments for the Cert VN ECC are delivered online using Top hat assessment system and are comprised of two written, open-book scenario based short answer question papers. More information can be found here.

Closing dates are strictly two months prior to the course start date for the specific intake.

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*You will be completing your booking on an external website.