Autumn Hub

Supporting your practice this autumn

Autumn can be a season of crisp and colourful days. However, as the leaves begin to fall and the nights grow longer, the risk of pet emergencies can also increase. We’re here to support you with everything you need to help your clients keep their pet cosy and calm this season.

Our autumn hub will provide access to everything you will need at this time of year. To help you communicate autumn hazards to your clients you can order our autumn posters for your waiting room and share our autumn-focused content, including blog posts and infographics, on your social media.

We are delighted to be your partner for out-of-hours and emergency care and look forward to supporting your practice over the autumn period and beyond.

Three Vets Now autumn pet safety posters featuring tips for cats and dogs. One shows a gray cat with

Customer literature

Order NEW Autumn posters for your practice and let us help you keep you client pets’ safe this time of year.

Click here for instructions on how to order and then order via the link below.

Order here
A veterinary professional in scrubs stands by a kennel, gently checking on a dog inside. The setting is a dimly lit clinic with metal cages. An overlay of a calendar and clock icon appears in the image, suggesting scheduling or time management for pet care.

Bank holidays

Click to see the days we provide out-of-hours cover.

View the dates

Social media asset bank - advice for dog and cat owners

We have new social media infographics which can be downloaded and used on your own social media channels. Click download image and then tap (mobile) or right-click (desktop) to save. You are now ready to share the image and if you wish to add a caption please use our suggested captions.

Autumn content to share with your clients

During autumn, we see many emergencies in our clinics that relate to hazards around at this time of year. They are all easily shared on your Facebook page to help spread awareness.

Close-up of a branch with bright green oak leaves and acorns. The acorns are small, green, and growing on short stems, with one partially covered by a textured cap. The background is softly blurred with shades of green, highlighting the focus on the leaves and acorns.
A close-up of a green spiky conker (horse chestnut) hanging from a thin stem. The conker has a rough, prickly surface and stands out against a soft, blurred background, highlighting its distinct shape and texture.
A small black-and-white dog on a leash looking up at its owner while walking on a leaf-covered path in a forest during autumn. The dog and owner are surrounded by vibrant autumn foliage.