Dedicated out-of-hours emergency care
With over 20 years of experience, partnering with us means peace of mind for you, your team and your clients.
With over 20 years of experience, partnering with us means peace of mind for you, your team and your clients.
At Vets Now, we cover your out-of-hours care, leaving you and your team to focus on providing a first-class service to your clients during the day, and enjoy a well-deserved rest when you leave the clinic.
With more than 60 clinics and 24/7 emergency and specialty hospitals across the UK, we have the largest out-of-hours emergency caseload in Europe, meaning we truly understand what it takes to run a high-quality OOH service.
Why work with Vets Now?
If you are interested in finding out what our out-of-hours cover could do for you, contact us by clicking the button below.
When your practice closes you’ll switch your phones to Vets Now’s emergency number. Our trained contact centre team will be on hand to answer your out-of-hours calls.
Our highly-skilled team will see any cases requiring emergency treatment. Typically, one in four pets needs to be seen, while the rest are reassured that they can wait to see your team the following day.
In the morning we’ll transfer hospitalised cases back to you where possible, and we’ll recommend any outpatients come back to see you.
You’ll receive medical histories for every patient we have treated first thing the following morning, so you’ll know exactly which of your clients we’ve seen on your behalf, allowing you to continue care.
Michael Morrow has been oursourcing his OOH to Vets Now for the last 13 years. Here, he explains how it has changed his life.
Read moreOur clinics are headed up by an Area Director who is responsible for all operational and business support. As a clinically-led business they work closely with an Area Clinical Manager and Area Resource Manager.
For practices who already use our service we have a dedicated partner practice hub containing useful information and resources.
Visit hubAll our clients who have used the Vets Now out-of-hours service have been pleased with the
treatment given. Our practice staff have also been completely satisfied. The service you provide is professional and efficient.
Thanks to Vets Now I can now offer my clients a great level of service 24 hours a day, seven days a week - and my team and I get that work/life balance our industry always struggles to achieve.
The staff at Vets Now are terrific. In fact, every practice needs your service. I had reservations about the centralised call handling service, but it's been brilliant, a real success, and the system really works.
We can send you some more details and keep you up to date with new information about our service.
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