Gender Pay Gap Report 2022 – 2023

Mean gender pay gap (hourly pay)26.79%33.41%31.54%33.41%34.06%
Median gender pay gap (hourly pay)32.29%36.81%37.13%47.39%42.65%
Mean bonus gender pay gap62.37%41.96%40.83%48.69%77.43%
Median bonus gender pay gap16.91%7.32%20.97%20.94%31.03%
Proportion of males & females receiving a bonusMale: 35.83%
Female: 50.97%
Male: 44.93%
Female: 54.67%
Male: 65.11%
Female: 75.03%
Male: 70.83%
Female: 89.10%
Male: 37.55
Female: 60.14%

The proportion of males & females in each pay quartile

Upper Quartile22%78%23%77%24%76%28%72%28%72%
Upper Middle Quartile8%92%9%91%10%90%14%86%13%87%
Lower Middle Quartile8%92%6%94%5%95%4%96%5%95%
Lower Quartile12%88%11%89%12%88%10%90%8%92%


At Vets Now, our culture and values guide us in our decision making and ensure we always place people at the heart of our business. We strongly advocate equality in all areas of our business and for our teams. We are confident that women and men are paid equally when working in equivalent/comparable roles and that gender plays no part in our salary decision making.

We strive to ensure transparency and consistency in regards to pay. For the majority of our roles we have worked to benchmark salaries at local rates and develop clear parameters, all of which are applied regardless of gender etc. There are, of course, other factors which can impact on salaries such as geographical location of clinics/hospitals, profitability and caseload of the clinic/hospital, and professional qualifications. However, we are pleased that the impact of our benchmarking work over the past year is positively reflected in the significant reduction to our mean and median gender pay gap from last year.

Currently, over 88% of our employees are female and we are rightly proud that 89% of the directors on our Operating Board are female.

Our reported gender pay gap, therefore, does not reflect the under representation of female staff in senior roles, but rather an under representation of men in more lower paid positions, such as Animal Care Assistants, Receptionists, Clinic Administrators, Call Handlers etc. At present, 38% of our entire workforce make up these job roles and 89% of our employees holding these roles are female.

Normally there are substantially fewer males applying for these roles resulting in less males being employed in them. This matter has impacted on our gender pay gap since reporting began and we are pleased that representation in these roles has improved over the years decreasing from 99% in 2018.

Overall, we will continue to be passionate about ensuring fairness and equality within our business and will continue to focus on our salary benchmarking and parameters over the next year to continue to direct positive changes to our gender pay gap figures.

Tricia Colville

Chief Executive

Gender Pay Gap Report 2021 - 202

Gender Pay Gap Report 2021 – 2022

Mean gender pay gap (hourly pay)33.41%31.54%33.41%34.06%38%
Median gender pay gap (hourly pay)36.81%37.13%47.39%42.65%43%
Mean bonus gender pay gap41.96%40.83%48.69%77.43%60.58%
Median bonus gender pay gap7.32%20.97%20.94%31.03%29.79%
Proportion of males & females receiving a bonusMale: 44.93%
Female: 54.67%
Male: 65.11%
Female: 75.03%
Male: 70.83%
Female: 89.10%
Male: 37.55
Female: 60.14%
Male: 31%
Female: 35%

The proportion of males & females in each pay quartile

Upper Quartile23%77%24%76%28%72%28%72%25%75%
Upper Middle Quartile9%91%10%90%14%86%13%87%12%88%
Lower Middle Quartile6%94%5%95%4%96%5%95%6%94%
Lower Quartile11%89%12%88%10%90%8%92%6%94%

At Vets Now, our culture and values guide us in our decision making and ensure we always place people at the heart of our business. We strongly advocate equality in all areas of our business and for our teams. We are confident that women and men are paid equally when working in equivalent/comparable roles and that gender plays no part in our salary decision making.

We strive to ensure transparency and consistency in regards to pay. For the majority of our roles we work to salaries that are benchmarked at local rates, all of which are applied regardless of gender etc. There are, of course, other factors which can impact on salaries such as geographical location of clinics/hospitals, profitability and caseload of the clinic/hospital, and professional qualifications.

Currently, over 87% of our employees are female and we are rightly proud that 89% of the directors on our Operating Board are female.

Our reported gender pay gap, therefore, does not reflect the under representation of female staff in senior roles, but rather an under representation of men in more lower paid positions, such as Animal Care Assistants, Receptionists, Clinic Administrators, Call Handlers etc. At present, 41% of our entire workforce make up these job roles and 88% of our employees holding these roles are female.

Normally there are substantially fewer males applying for these roles resulting in less males being employed in them. This matter has impacted on our gender pay gap since reporting began and we are pleased that representation in these roles has improved over the years decreasing from 99% in 2018.

Overall, we will continue to be passionate about ensuring fairness and equality within our business and will utilise our gender pay gap figures in order to direct positive changes moving forward.

Tricia Colville
Chief Executive Officer


Gender Pay Gap Report 2020 - 2021
Mean gender pay gap (hourly pay)31.54%33.41%34.06%38%31%
Median gender pay gap (hourly pay)37.13%47.39%42.65%43%35%
Mean bonus gender pay gap40.83%48.69%77.43%60.58%50%
Median bonus gender pay gap20.97%20.94%31.03%29.79%33%
Proportion of males & females receiving a bonusMale: 65.11%
Female: 75.03%
Male: 70.83%
Female: 89.10%
Male: 37.55
Female: 60.14%
Male: 31%
Female: 35%
Male: 37%
Female: 46%

The proportion of males & females in each pay quartile

Upper Quartile24%76%28%72%28%72%25%75%26%74%
Upper Middle Quartile10%90%14%86%13%87%12%88%12%88%
Lower Middle Quartile5%95%4%96%5%95%6%94%6%94%
Lower Quartile12%88%10%90%8%92%6%94%8%92%

At Vets Now, our culture and values guide us in our decision making and ensure we always place people at the heart of our business. We strongly advocate equality in all areas of our business and for our teams. We are confident that women and men are paid equally when working in equivalent/comparable roles and that gender plays no part in our salary decision making.

We strive to ensure transparency and consistency in regard to pay. For the majority of our roles, we work to salaries that are benchmarked at local rates, all of which are applied regardless of gender etc. There are, of course, other factors that can impact salaries such as the geographical location of clinics/hospitals, profitability and caseload of the clinic/hospital, and professional qualifications.

Currently, over 89% of our employees are female and we are rightly proud that 80% of the directors on our Operating Board are female. Our reported gender pay gap, therefore, does not reflect the underrepresentation of female staff in senior roles, but rather an under presentation of men in lower paid positions, such as Animal Care Assistants, Receptionists, Clinic Administrators, Call Handlers etc. At present, 38% of our entire workforce make up these job roles and 91% of our employees holding these roles are female.

Normally there are substantially fewer males applying for these roles resulting in fewer males being employed in them. This matter has impacted our gender pay gap since reporting began and we are pleased that representation in these roles has improved over the years decreasing from 99% in 2018. Although small, we are encouraged by the improvements made this year compared to the previous 3 years, however, it is clear that in order for us to narrow our gender pay gap further, we must continue to focus on this area of our business and seek to employ more men into these positions to achieve a better gender balance at all levels within the organisation.

Overall, we will continue to be passionate about ensuring fairness and equality within our business and will utilise our gender pay gap figures in order to direct positive changes moving forward.

Tricia Colville
Chief Operating Officer

Gender Pay Gap Report 2019 - 2020
Mean gender pay gap (hourly pay)33.41%34.06%38%31%
Median gender pay gap (hourly pay)47.39%42.65%43%35%
Mean bonus gender pay gap48.69%77.43%60.58%50%
Median bonus gender pay gap20.94%31.03%29.79%33%
Proportion of males & females receiving a bonusMale: 70.83%
Female: 89.10%
Male: 37.55%
Female: 60.14%
Male: 31%
Female: 35%
Male: 37%
Female: 46%

Proportion of males & females in each pay quartile

Upper Quartile28%72%28%72%25%75%26%74%
Upper Middle Quartile14%86%13%87%12%88%12%88%
Lower Middle Quartile4%96%5%95%6%94%6%94%
Lower Quartile10%90%8%92%6%94%8%92%

At Vets Now, our culture and values guide us in our decision making and ensure that we always place people at the heart of our business. We strongly advocate equality in all areas of our business and for our staff. We are confident that women and men are paid equally when working in equivalent/comparable roles and that gender plays no part in our salary decision making.

We strive to ensure transparency and consistency in regard to pay. For the majority of our roles, we work to salaries that are benchmarked at local rates, all of which are applied regardless of gender etc. There are of course other factors that can impact salaries such as the geographical location of clinics/hospitals, profitability and caseload of the clinic/hospital, and professional qualifications etc.

Currently, over 88% of our employees are female and we are rightly proud that 90% of the directors on our Operating Board are female.

Our reported gender pay gap, therefore, does not reflect the underrepresentation of female staff in senior roles, but rather an under presentation of men in lower paid positions, such as Animal Care Assistants, Receptionists, Clinic Administrators etc. At present, 30% of our entire workforce make up these job roles and 93% of our employees holding these roles are female.

Normally there are substantially fewer males applying for these roles resulting in less males being employed in them. This matter has impacted our gender pay gap since reporting began and we are pleased that representation in these roles has improved over the years decreasing from 99% in 2018. However, it is clear that in order for us to narrow our gender pay gap further, we must continue to focus on this area of our business and seek to employ more men into these positions to achieve a better gender balance at all levels within the organisation.

Overall, we will continue to be passionate about ensuring fairness and equality within our business and will utilise our gender pay gap figures in order to direct positive changes moving forward.

Mark Ross
Chief Executive

Gender Pay Gap Report 2018 - 2019
Gender Pay Gap20182017
Mean gender pay gap (hourly pay)38%31%
Median gender pay gap (hourly pay)43%35%
Mean bonus gender pay gap60.58%50%
Median bonus gender pay gap29.79%33%
Proportion of males & females receiving a bonusMale: 31%

Female: 35%

Male: 37%

Female: 46%

Proportion of males & females in each pay quartile

GenderUpper QuartileUpper Middle QuartileLower Middle QuartileLower Quartile
Male25% (26%)12% (12%)6% (6%)6% (8%)
Female75% (74%)88% (88%)94% (94%)94% (92%)


At Vets Now, we pride ourselves on ensuring our people are at the heart of our culture and values.  We continue to advocate equality in all aspects of our business.  And whilst the results of our latest Gender Pay Review has identifies an increase in our gender pay gap, we remain confident that women and men are paid equally when working in equivalent/comparable roles and that gender plays no part in our salary decision making.

We strive to ensure transparency and consistency in regards to pay. For the majority of our roles we work to salary bandings, all of which are applied regardless of gender etc. There are of course other factors which can impact on salaries such as geographical location of clinics/hospitals, profitability and caseload of the clinic/hospital, and professional qualifications etc.

Our Operating Board continues to be 90% female.  Furthermore, since our last Gender Pay Gap review we have an even higher percentage of women within our company, 88% are female and 12% are male.

Our reported gender pay gap, therefore, continues to reflect an under representation of men in more lower paid positions, such as Animal Care Assistants, Receptionists, Clinic Administrators etc. At present, 30% of our entire workforce make up these job roles and over 90% of our employees holding these roles are female.

Normally there are substantially fewer males applying for these roles resulting in less males being employed in them. With this in mind, it is clear that in order for us to narrow our gender pay gap, we must continue to focus on this area of our business and seek to employ more men into these positions to achieve a better gender balance at all levels within the organisation.

Overall, we will continue to be passionate about ensuring fairness and equality within our business and will utilise our gender pay gap figures in order to direct positive changes moving forward.

Mark Ross
Chief Executive