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What is anaemia in dogs?
Anaemia in dogs occurs when there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the body.
These cells carry oxygen around your dog’s body, which is essential for all basic functions of the body, so a reduction can lead to dogs becoming extremely unwell.
I'm worried that my dog is anaemic, what should I do?
Severe anaemia in dogs can be life-threatening and requires urgent treatment. Milder cases may be treatable but quick action is still essential. If you suspect your dog is suffering from anaemia, contact your vet, or out of hours, your nearest Vets Now immediately.

What causes anaemia in dogs?
There are many causes and types of anaemia. The condition can result from blood loss, the destruction of red blood cells with the body, or inadequate production of new cells, and is typically caused by an underlying condition.
Specific conditions which can cause anaemia include:
- Excessive blood loss (as a result of trauma)
- Bone marrow disease (reduced blood cell production)
- Infections (such as tick borne diseases)
- Lungworm
- Abscesses
- Cancer
- Kidney disease
- Drugs
- Toxic chemicals (such as rat poisons)
- Toxic foods (such as onions)
- Inherited disorders
What are the symptoms of anaemia in dogs?
Signs of anaemia in dogs, or that your dog could be developing anaemia, can vary widely depending on the underlying condition and can range from mild to severe.
Clinical signs can include pale gums, tiredness, lethargy, intolerance to exercise and decreased appetite. Other possible signs include spontaneous bruising or red skin splotches, bruising or bleeding on the whites of the eyes, sleeping more than normal, stopping grooming themselves, increased breathing and heart rate and passing black stools.
In some milder cases, your dog may not display any clinical signs and the condition can only be detected through blood testing.
How will the vet diagnose anaemia in dogs?
Anaemia in dogs is generally a feature of another underlying disease, therefore your vet will want to know your dog’s clinical signs and health history in order to diagnose the underlying problem. To establish a diagnosis, your vet may perform a variety of tests which could include a physical examination, complete blood count, serum biochemistry, urine analysis, bacterial blood culture, and bone marrow testing. They may also need to do an ultrasound or x-ray to detect internal bleeding or to look for tumours or infection.
How is anaemia in dogs treated?
The treatment for anaemia varies widely depending on the underlying cause. Moderate cases may be treated with medication from your vet but severe cases may need blood transfusions and a hospital stay.
How can I prevent my dog getting anaemia?
There is no definitive protection against anaemia due to the variety of possible underlying causes. But there are several general steps you can take to keep your dog safe and minimise their risk. These include protecting them from traumatic injuries (such as car accidents), ensuring they are up to date with parasite prevention medication, especially tick and lungworm treatment, and keeping any substances that could do them harm – such as rat poison, toxic foods or medication – well out of their reach.