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Top Tips for Staying Safe in Autumn

Out and about

Harvest mites
In autumn, these tiny insects climb up long grass, bushes, and trees waiting to sink their fangs into something warm-blooded. Signs of infestation can include skin inflammation and scratching.

Mushrooms and toadstools
Some wild mushrooms are highly toxic, and if swallowed, can cause kidney and liver failure. Try and keep your cat away from all wild varieties.

As well as causing severe stress, fireworks can scare cats into running onto busy roads. Consider keeping them indoors when there’s likely to be fireworks.

Bonfires and burns
Cats may mistake unlit bonfires for a cosy place to sleep, curling up in the comfortable protection that the makeshift shelter provides. Ensure you thoroughly check bonfires for animals and wildlife before lighting. A loud noise should be enough to scare them out of the woodpile.

Darker nights
As the nights draw in, emergency vets see a proportionate rise in the number of road traffic accidents. Consider keeping your cat indoors around the morning and evening rush hours.

Flowers and plants
Several flowers and plants that are popular in the autumn are potentially toxic to cats, including the autumn crocus, chrysanthemum, and dahlia.

In and around the home

Halloween treats
Many of the jelly sweets people buy in for Halloween ‘trick or treaters’ contain the poisonous artificial sweetener xylitol, which is poisonous to cats. And chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine, which can also be toxic to cats.

Fireplaces and candles
Cozy fireplaces and candles may look pretty, but can be dangerous for curious cats. Never leave your cat unattended with either.

Rat poison
Rodenticide is commonly put down in autumn when rats start heading indoors for warmth. While designed to taste nice to rats, unfortunately, cats like it for the same reason. Speak to your vet if you think your cat has eaten a poisoned rodent.

Ethylene glycol, as it’s officially known, is sweet-tasting and palatable, but even a small quantity can cause severe kidney damage. A cat who has antifreeze poisoning may have symptoms such as vomiting, seizures, depression, or labored breathing.

Top tips for staying safe this autumn

LED collar
If your cat is outdoors during dark nights and mornings, ensure they have a reflective or LED collar on.

Flea treatment
Ensure your cat has up-to-date flea treatment administered, as fleas can thrive indoors when we start to heat our homes in autumn.

Keep calm
In the lead-up to and during fireworks night, consider keeping your cat indoors as it gets dark. Lock all windows and cat flaps, and ensure they have a safe space to hide. Try to drown out the noise by drawing your curtains, playing music, or having the television on.

If your cat is spending more time indoors during the colder months, ensure you spend more time playing with them to compensate for their decreased exercise.

Always use a pet-safe product if you are attempting to get rid of vermin.

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