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A tiny kitten that battled back from a near fatal kidney condition has won Vets Now’s first-ever Bravery Award.
Baxter was just four months old when he was rushed, floppy and lifeless, to the Manchester Hospital of the UK’s leading emergency vets.
Owner Amber Davies and boyfriend Conroy feared he was going to die, but the plucky little kitten proved to be a real fighter and has just picked up the new award.
Baxter, who is now one, developed severe kidney problems after trainee solicitor Amber took him for a routine neutering operation.
“He’s usually full of mischief and much livelier than his sister Clementine,” said 25-year-old Amber, from Manchester.
“But he had a very bad reaction to the anaesthetic and the medication from the neuter. I think it was just a freak thing and we were really unlucky.
“He lost his appetite and went downhill so quickly. We had been worried overnight and when I got up at 6am, he had collapsed.
“When we picked him up, he just flopped in our hands, and we knew it was touch and go as to whether he’d make it.”
The couple made the early morning dash to the hospital where tests showed he was suffering from kidney failure.
The condition was so serious they were told Baxter may not survive, but he was given intensive treatment and kept in for four nights.
He proved to a real fighter, winning over the hearts of the vet team who gave him a bravery bandana and certificate before he was finally allowed home.
“When we took him in at first it was so scary and he looked tiny hooked up to all the drips and monitors,” said Amber.
“But the whole vet team were incredible, and I think they worked a miracle. I cried every day and only started to worry a bit less when they said he had got his appetite back.
“Despite everything he had been through, he was back to his old self as soon as he started feeling a bit better. He’s been fine ever since and with no ill effects.
“He was so brave and it’s lovely for that to be recognised with this award.”
This is the second annual Pet of the Year awards and the first the Bravery award has been given out.
“It was really tough to shortlist for this year’s awards, as so many incredibly moving entries were submitted.” said Dave Leicester, an emergency vet and head of telehealth at Video Vets Now, a video consultation service for pet owners.
“What’s clear is that more than ever, pets are showing incredible resilience and with the right attention and care, are much loved members of the family.”
Amber received a £50 voucher from official awards partner Wayfair.
“It’s been a pleasure to be involved in Vets Now Pet of the Year Awards and hear so many remarkable stories. Pets are such an important part of homes for thousands of households across the country and it’s clear that the winning entries are very much part of the family, offering comfort, companionship and so much more.” said Marina Kull, Head of UK Housewares at Wayfair.